
A new study in the UK has found that people with higher levels of flavan-3-ol in their diet tend to have lower blood pressure. Flavan-3-ol is a natural compound found in foods and drinks like apples, berries, tea, red wine and cocoa.

It was already known that flavan-3-ols are associated with better cardiovascular health, but previous studies have relied on participants’ food diaries and general food composition data to estimate the amount of flavan-3-ols consumed.

Participants often misreport what they eat, and food composition data only gives an average amount of flavan-3-ols, resulting in high levels of inaccuracy. The amount of flavan-3-ols in food can vary significantly, with the amount in a cup of black tea ranging from about 5 milligrams to almost 100 milligrams, for example.

The new study, published in Scientific Reports used data collected from over 25,000 people in Norfolk between 1993 and 2016. In addition to food diaries, the researchers measured biomarkers in the participants’ urine that showed the amount of flavan-3-ols they had consumed.

The researchers found that flavan-3-ol was associated with lower blood pressure even after accounting for other factors like weight and smoking. However, they did not find that people who had more flavan-3-ols in their diet were significantly less likely to have cardiovascular disease or die.

The study’s lead author, professor Gunter Kuhnle from the University of Reading, told The Guardian that it is important to consider the way flavan-3-ols are consumed, and that foods high in sugar and fat would cancel out any benefits.

“Sometimes I see people saying you should consume chocolate to get healthy flavan-3-ols, but to get to the amount you need to find an effect, you would have to eat so much … you just couldn’t,” he said.

The researchers also found almost no relationship between people’s food diaries and their actual measured levels of flavan-3-ol.




Scientific Reportsに掲載された新しい研究では、1993年から2016年の間にノーフォークの25,000人以上から収集されたデータを使用しました。研究者は、食事日記に加えて、参加者の尿中のバイオマーカーを測定し、フラバン-3-オールの消費量を示しました。 。



